


  • How did you figure out that you wanted to pursue the career you are in now?
    • how did you succeed at obtaining a job within that career field?
    • Capturing that process is the goal of this school.
    • Also, students learn in different ways, theory verse practical
    • students need to have the flexibility to learn in their own way and at their own speed.
  • This is how your Funnel kids. This test should be used for each subject and teacher. But his assessment is flawed. Instead of “losing” the student. You move the student to the subjects that are interesting and engaging or a different teacher with a different teaching style.
  • Bottom-Tier Character Tomozaki Yes, an anime reference. They capture exactly what I am talking about. Setting goals, Achievements and gamification. The female character is the teacher and male character would be the student. While it is focused on socializing and dating, replace it with subject.


  • The Vision for the school
    • practical education as to verbal education, but a mixture of both. hands on as to theory
    • Find your path
    • you are the master of your own destiny
    • With that in mind
      • this approach is focused around teaching kids how to set goals
      • how to define goals
      • how to achieve those goals through smaller incremental goals
      • how to realize a specific goal is not of interest (imposter syndrome)
      • and how to do all of this on your own.
    • The current school model does not teach this
      • it teaches how to memorize answers to test questions.
      • That doesn't teach you problem solving.
      • That approach doesn't teach you how to work independently
      • That approach doesn't teach you how to set goals, but rely on others to set goals for you.
  • typical day
    • it says PREPARE lunch as in lunch is a class on how to make lunch, along with selecting food, healthy food, etc.
    • everything is free: showers, supplies, and lunch. The opportunities will need to be on an “if available” basis.
    • This schedule may not last all day. but leave the school open with teachers available for students that can't go home.
  • base line education is math, english, history, and phys ed. These are passive classes. Here's the info, nothing more.
    • math leads to accounting, taxes, bills, loans, etc.
    • english leads to negotiating, sales, resume writing, conflict resolution, reports
    • history leads to lessons learned through history, cultures, why the US was founded, the law, political ideologies in the context of economics (pros/cons unbiased view), how the government works, how to vote, the Federalist Papers, along with “Common Sense” by Thomas Paine, and the United States Constitution. Generically, explain the topics and debates and the philosophy that founded the USA.
      • Democrats, Keynesian economics, spend their way out of a recession
      • Republican, Supply side economics, tax breaks to companies
      • Libertarians, Austrian economics, Government stays out of economic decisions
      • capitalism, also called free market economy or free enterprise economy, in which most means of production are privately owned and production is guided and income distributed largely through the operation of markets.
      • socialism, calls for public rather than private ownership or control of property and natural resources
      • communism, aims to replace private property and a profit-based economy with public ownership and communal control of at least the major means of production
    • phys ed, hygiene, exercise, healthy eating, talk to your doctor (sex ed, gender, mental health, etc. Not taught here, talk to your doctor)
  • All other classes/extra curricular activities “funnel” kids into jobs they want to pursue.
    • If a student doesn't know what they want to study. there will be a “class” that explorers all the different types of jobs out there
    • if the student does know what they want but no one is familiar, there will be a guidance councilor that will give suggestions on how to explore and learn more about the subject.
    • if there is a student that knows what they want and there is another student in a higher grade that has more knowledge, that older student can give guidance to the younger student
    • if there is a student that know what they want and there is a teacher that is knowledgably, they can give guidance.
    • if there is a large enough group of kids interested in a specific subject/sport then a coach/teacher can create a focused class for the given subject during the afternoon. Depending on the subject, it still may be a loosely structured class. Kids need to be moving at their own pace and teachers are guides.
  • Present all the industries, whether through a field trip, films, movies, how tos, hands on, guest speakers, etc.
    • If a kid is not interested in the given subject, they are free to work on their own as described by the next bullet points
  • Have the kids do a research paper on the industry they are interested in
    • Describe what about that industry is interesting
    • Describe the kind of jobs in that industry
    • describe what kind of job you would like to do.
  • Then they come up with activities to improve their skills at that potential job.
    • If they need help with this, perhaps there is a mentor available
    • if no mentor, then teachers can provide pointers in how to find more about a specific job and guide them to potential activities.
  • Grades are not a thing. Teachers assess kids progress towards their goals.
    • So kids will need to create their own goals
    • work towards those goals
    • teachers guide students towards the kid's goals
    • assessment is based on how much progress has been made towards said goals
    • if a goal is accomplished. The kid will need to define the next goal.
    • when you set goals against yourself, you are always improving. When you set goals based on someone else, you are always failing.
  • The goal of the school is to get the kid into a job, or an internship, or college, or building their own company.
  • concerns
    • how to keep teachers on subject mater and not pushing propaganda
    • not brainwashing kids for some political agenda
  • exit interview or survey
    • where you able to get a job or go to college?
    • what kept you from getting a job or going to college?
    • what topics do you remember? things the majority don't remember, remove from curriculum. look to a replacement.
    • based on these result, adjust curriculum.
  • Freedom school model

incentive model

I would love to see a school that focuses on the individual's success. I've thought about this for years. I also looked into his company when you first interviewed him. But how do you incentives teachers to focus on an individual's success? Pay them based on that individual's success. The teach gets x percent of that student's salary for y years. it needs to be proportional to the amount of students they can teach at once. and how turn over happens. so each student is worth 0.5% of their salary and it lasts for 2 years after they get a job. Or something like that. Maybe it needs to be a flat rate so they teach all subjects equally, but something like that.

Product for education

  • teachers create a step by step instructional course
    • video
    • written
    • project
    • multiple languages
  • teachers can add one on one sessions at a cost
  • teachers can offer certification at the end of the class
  • students can just view the material, which gives teachers ad revenue.
  • students can pay for access to the class (a social media type where the instructor interacts)
  • students can pay for one on one access or tutoring
  • students can pay for certification
  • students can rate content, but how many use the course and how many complete the course
  • Work at your own pace
  • MOOC Massive Open Online Courses (conforms to a schedule)

Approach to schooling

  • searh for - create your own curriculum
  • youtube “lectures”/how to's/ practical real world examples.
  • Certification process where an expert conducts an interview to determine certification
  • community activities, like sports, local pool, playgrounds, maker spaces, libraries, etc.
  • compare yourself today with yourself yesterday
    • field trips to all the jobs
    • students write down what they found interesting
    • get them internships with those companies
      • as an after school club activity
    • point toward skills that are needed in that industry
      • take classes related to those skills
  • base knowledge
    • financial management
    • history and ?morals?
      • how government works
      • how corporations work
    • communication skills
      • conflict resolution
      • persuasion
      • marketing sales
      • How to create a resume
      • How to apply for a job
  • every single curriculum should lead to careers in that field
  • create a playlist from youtube for each subject
  • math
    • numbers
    • add, subtract, multiply, divide
    • algebra
    • finance
  • science
  • english
    • how to spell
    • word association
    • how to communicate
    • how to write
    • speeches/persuasion/sales
  • history
    • build up to civics and politics
    • lead up to the law
    • laws that apply to most people
    • serious laws that need to be understood
    • deal with the liability issue
    • also teach liability
  • arts
  • PE
    • food diary
    • exercise
    • hygiene
    • teamwork
  • field trip
    • like the YMCA, expose them to everything
    • what's a math related field trip
    • what's a science related field trip
    • what's an english related field trip
    • what's a historical related field trip
    • what's an arts related field trip
    • what's an PE related field trip
  • there are no tests, self assessments are given
    • compare yourself today with yourself yesterday
      • Have you gotten better?
  • surveys are given for the students to assess the teachers
    • If a few negatively rate the teacher, then they need a different teacher
    • if a lot negatively rate the teacher, there's something wrong with the teacher.
  • as the student gets older, they choose a path to focus on
  • laws

subject vs discipline

  • science
  • engineering
  • management
  • marketing

how to think

  • Present both sides, in the best way possible
  • work to understand what the problem is
  • work to find a solution.
  • If a solutions cannot be found.
  • You've gain understanding of the problem.

Religious framing

  • affirmations to realize and manifest your goals.
  • prayer is acknowledging your accomplishments, “you are thankful for”
wiki/projects/school.txt · Last modified: 2023/07/10 20:00 by jeff
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