
  • ABC's
  • what are the ABC's
  • how do you write the ABC's
  • upper and lower ABC's
  • book list
    • talk to the teacher about progress, get help if needed or move on to the next subject
  • what are some basic words
  • how do you write these words
  • how do you say these words
  • what do the words mean
  • book list
    • talk to the teacher about progress, get help if needed or move on to the next subject
  • what are some intermediate words
  • how do you say these words
  • what do the words mean
  • book list
    • talk to the teacher about progress, get help if needed or move on to the next subject
  • what are some advanced words
  • how do you say these words
  • what do the words mean
  • book list
    • talk to the teacher about progress, get help if needed or move on to the next subject
  • what is a sentence
  • what parts of speech there are
  • read/write sentences
  • book list
    • talk to the teacher about progress, get help if needed or move on to the next subject
  • what is a paragraph
  • what is the structure of a paragraph
  • write some paragraphs
  • book list
    • talk to the teacher about progress, get help if needed or move on to the next subject
  • what are the types of writing
  • creative writing
  • persuasive writing
  • informative writing
  • instructional writing
  • write one of each
  • book list
    • talk to the teacher about progress, get help if needed or move on to the next subject
  • taking from the last
  • do a speech on each
  • book list
    • talk to the teacher about progress, get help if needed or move on to the next subject
  • Resume
  • Interview
wiki/projects/school/english.txt · Last modified: 2023/03/24 21:53 by jeff
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