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Stock Market Trading Algorithm

Since July 2017, my objective has been to achieve a monthly return of 14%.


2025-02-01 0.034% Database failed again. Lost another month. Building another database for stability.
2025-01-01 0.034% While the Database went down last month, it was at the end of the month, so work slipped into this past month. I added monitoring to be ahead of any issues next time. It's back on track calculating the Technical Algorithms for the NASDAQ market.
2024-12-01 0.04% Database went down. Spent 2 weeks getting it back up. Causing a slip in schedule.
2024-11-01 0.04% Full send into the Machine learning approach. Yet another loan on the books.
2024-10-01 -0.03% Manual trading strategy is not holding. So I've explored other approaches and have ended up back in the Machine learning approach. Which means I will just have to grin a bear the cost of getting this up and running.
2024-09-01 0.11% Upgraded the database for performance, which took most of the month.
2024-08-01 5.57% Mix of Paper Trading and Live(cash) Trading all of NASDAQ for the month of July using the manual trading strategy, on the IBKR exchange.
2024-07-01 7.97% Paper Trading all of NASDAQ for the month of June using the manual trading strategy, on the IBKR exchange.


Overview of my Stock Market Trading Algorithm