Video Resume - Dev Blog

September 12, 2018

  • Call them “Coding stories”

September 10, 2018

  • I'm a breadth of knowledge. I don't focus on one specific technology, I work to understand a broad range of topics to help me better solve problems. My focus is not in how a specific technology works, i.e. C++, but how a program works, like a website or a video game. It's similar to working on a car. I don't care about intricate details about how a wrench works, I care about how a car works. If I understand how a car works, I can build another car or I can fix one when it's not working like it is supposed to. But if I only understand how a wrench works, I can only build another wrench, not a car.

September 7, 2018

  • Clean up my resume
  • bring the links down to 1
  • Clean up my website to have
    • about - my current cover page of my resume
    • Interview - RestSQL walkthrough
    • projects
    • 3d work
    • Ai research

September 4, 2018

Code Walkthrough

wiki/projects/other/vidres/dev_blog.txt · Last modified: 2020/11/19 14:21 by
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