math curriculum
add numbers
subtract numbers
add/subtract fractions
multiplication of numbers
division of numbers
multiply/divide fractions
what is the purpose of a bank
what is a check book
what is a debit card
what is a loan
what is a credit card
what is a mortgage
Good Debt and Bad Debt
what are investments
what is financial management
how to manage a budget
70% to bills
20% to investing
10% to leasure
what type of investments are there, 401k, roth ira, etc
The economic machine
Democrats demand side economy - government jobs, stimulus checks, UBI, this causes the price of things to rise, apple costs $2, inflation
Republicans supply side economy - tax breaks for business, less government regulation (cheaper for businesses), This causes the price of things to fall. apple costs 50cents, deflation
the wage gap is directly tied to inflation. as inflation goes up the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. As inflation goes down, deflation, the poor get rich and the rich get poor.
Libertarians government stays out of the economy, there's apples that cost $2 and apples that cost 50cent. you chose.
democrat and republican policies attempt to smooth out the ups and downs fo the market. Libertarian polices will cause your market to have large swings but it will advance faster to a better state. Because in controlled economies the government helps out failed business models while libertarian economies will destroy failed business models.
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