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wiki:projects:games:jge:conept_doc [2010/01/23 04:49] – created jeffwiki:projects:games:jge:conept_doc [2020/11/19 14:21] (current) – external edit
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-====== Game Proposal Document ======+====== Java Game Engine Proposal Document ======
 This document will be the closing capture statement of the Concept Development Phase.  Requires customer approval. This document will be the closing capture statement of the Concept Development Phase.  Requires customer approval.
 ===== Idea ===== ===== Idea =====
-One to two paragraphs describing what the game is.  This is created before the Proposal document.  More of a "This is an Idea I have."+Based on the work for creating games in Flash and that work progressing to a good game engine design, there were limitations that started showing up in Flash.  These limitations led to the switch to java.  Migrating the code and added some more features will greatly increase the types of games that can be created.
 ===== High Concept ===== ===== High Concept =====
-A one to two sentence statement that captures the idea of the game.  The Vision Statement.+Create a java 2d game engine that is more capable than a flash based one.
 ===== Target Market Segment Strategy ===== ===== Target Market Segment Strategy =====
-This is to identify what the underlying message will be and how it will be conveyed to the target market. +Java developers trying to make 2d games.
- +
-===== Game play ===== +
-The genre the game falls in and how it departs from the norm.+
 ===== Features ===== ===== Features =====
-Major selling points.+  * Externally loadable assest. 
 +  * Easy to use xml assest management. 
 +  * Well structured code base so that the child classes are the only parts that need to be modified.
 ===== Target Market ===== ===== Target Market =====
-The target audience for the game.  Who will want to buy it.  Also include some historical references of the genre selling to said audience.  Benefits of this game from the customers perspective (I'm not sure on vagaries with this one).+I'm not a marketing guy so I'm confused by this one and the one above.
 ===== Target Hardware Platform ===== ===== Target Hardware Platform =====
-Identify the target hardware.  If it is to be the PC identify hardware requirements to play the game.+Anything that can run java.
 ===== Estimated Schedule and Budget ===== ===== Estimated Schedule and Budget =====
-These are rough estimates based on the technical and art lead's opinions.+Since this is a port of the existing flash base and I've done a little research as to the one major issue(playing a 2d animation), this work should be quick to get the code to a working stand point.
 ===== Competitive Analysis ===== ===== Competitive Analysis =====
-Try to give a brief analysis on other games in this genre and how they compare to the one being proposed. +I've used other 2d java game engines like Golden T Game engine and the limiting factor is the image size.  This constraint is eliminated in this Java game engine.
 ===== The Team ===== ===== The Team =====
-If it is to be marketed internally then state the skill set needed to complete this project(no names). +Someone that understands java game engine development.
- +
-If it is to be marketed commercially (which it wont) then state the team with resume like information. +
 ===== Risk Analysis ===== ===== Risk Analysis =====
-Identify any potential risks in developing the game and describe ways of mitigating them.  These are software development risks.+The use of the existing code in flash will mitigate most risks.  Not using vector art makes for the art to be much larger in file size.
 ===== Summary ===== ===== Summary =====
-Reiterate why this is a great game and why this team of people are the ones to create it.  Also state something about how the game will potentially be a great hit through market stats. +Port the flash game engine over to java and add some functionality that was not possible in flash.
- +
- +
-====== Concept Art ====== +
-Add concept art as an attachment.  If it has a place within the document. put it there. +
- +
-[[http://www.imaginefx.com/02287754329619582066/video-game-concept-art.html|Professional's Opinion]]+
-[[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concept_art|Another's Opinion]] 
wiki/projects/games/jge/conept_doc.1264222166.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/11/19 14:21 (external edit)
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