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True AI


Note: When the mind recieves a new input it will search the short term memory, instincts, and if it doesn't find a match or a close match it stores it for later to compare against long term memory. This is the problem when someone thinks of something but five minutes later they forget because they have no current context to remember what it is. Then they remember 1 hour later because their brain has processed it and related it to something that they then looked at and remembered. Also. this search applies to any new information that doesn't match directly with something. This is what dreams are. It's your brain organizing the new information with the information stored in long term memory.


People have been trying to figure out the human mind for centuries. In other words they have been trying to figure out Artificial Intelligence. I believe I have an answer to this question. Consider the human mind as a reactionary system. It takes input and responds with an action. Without input there is no response. With that simple understanding gives birth to my idea. The idea is comprised of four parts. The first part is a sensory system. This system is the input in the overall system. The second system is motor control. This is the response system. Then there is the storage system which contains all of the experiences. Finally there is a system that drives desire. This system is the most important because without it the overall system would find a happy medium and just idle.

Input Sensory

The system needs some kind of input to determine what it needs/wants to do. The input sensors will comprise of two components. These are the sensor and threshold, a value that will simulate pain or pleasure. The first test will be conducted with a ccd sensor.

Response System

The response system will be motor controls. These will be pre-programmed into the system. The system will be able to randomly or selectively choose a motor output.

Memory Retention

The memory system, this is the heart of the system. This is what makes it work. The memory will consist of individual neural networks. These networks will form based on the input of the sensors. Each input will consist of one neural network. The neural networks will be connected by links which will have weights attached to them. These weights are dictated by the time and the amount that the system crosses over the link. Over time the link weight will degrade but if the system accesses the link then the weight will be increased.


Desire, this will be a separate system to the overall system. The role of desire is to drive the system to do something. The simple desire is a low battery. This will cause the system to resolve the undesirable state of having a low battery. Then there is the event that the system will remember something that was pleasurable. The system will need to seek it out and experience it again.


With all of these systems working in concert they create life. One drawback of a system like this is that once created it will have a mind of its own. The system will overtime create its own desires and may not be desirable to the creators.

wiki/projects/true_ai.1230604702.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/11/19 14:21 (external edit)
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