The Government Model
the basic solution
The idea is to minimize fraud, waste, and abuse. Large systems make it easy to cheat. Also, why is the government dealing with all these little things that the majority of people don't know about nor care about.
The IRS becomes an independant organization that runs the process
They are funded by people submitting proposals
Each proposal costs X amount to be submitted
Proposals are vetted by the IRS to meet the minimum.
Must have a title
Must have a designated appointee
must have milestones
must have a proposal
must have a detailed budget breakdown
All of these must be in congruence.
if it fails these checks, it is rejected
if the person running this budget fails to meet these milestone, they are sued and must return these funds
the IRS is a bank
they handle collection of taxes
determining which budget is approved
and distributing funds to the winning budgets
opt-in taxes, anybody can propose a tax, when you file your taxes you vote on these proposed budgets.
if it gets 40% of the vote, the budget proposed at this level gets accepted and only those that vote for it pay for it
if it gets 60% of the vote, the budget proposed at this level gets accepted and only those that vote for it pay for it
if it gets 80% of the vote, the budget proposed at this level gets accepted and everyone pays for it
All tax proposals must submit a Proposal and an 80% budget and a 120 character statement highlighting what it is.
All tax proposals must select at what government level it exists at, Federal, State, City, County, or District.
All tax proposals, 40%, 60% 80%, must include
what problem does this solve
the person proposing the budget and running the project.
how much money it will cost
what milestones are needed to solve this problem
a proposal
a detailed budget breakdown.
you sue or class action suit (which can be a tax proposal), both criminal and civil. The punishment is the only thing that denotes which. No District attorneys.
Lawyers, Judges and Jurys
more of a panel of morality, jury? Did you do what they are accusing you of?
it's all a jury, just a question of where you pick your jury members from?
each side presents their arguments
the panel determines if you are guilty of the claim
a jury, of your peers or the location of the incident, then determines punishment
laws are precedent set by legal cases.
precedent can be overturn through a lawsuit
laws are upheld by police
police are the plaintiffs in a lawsuit
Foreign affairs is a tax proposal
Military action is a tax proposal
everything is reactive not proactive.
Competing tax proposals can be presented and will need to be grouped as such when presented to the tax payer.
incumbent budget proposal
competing budget proposal
is the incumbent doing a good job? are there proposals claiming they can do a better job?
not as good solution
Identify a problem, Representatives bring problems to the government, they do NOT bring solutions.
the group Researches solutions to solve the problem
if a solution exists ask businesses to implement or pay a fine
This solution can NOT be privately owned.
If other solutions exist they have to be required equally
If the majority of the community pushes back, understand the issue and work to find a solution, by going back to step one, until that community will accept the solution.
If a solution does not exist, create an X-Prize to encourage society to create a solution.
if there are alternatives to the market, diesel, electric, gasoline. Propose switching to the alternative
this cannot be a requirement. in the example of diesel, electric, gasoline. The benefit is diesel at 50% efficiency, electric at 41% efficiency, and gasoline at 30% efficiency. So which is the right solution? Let the market decide
this goes back to “if the community pushes back” find other solutions
the other reason it cannot be a requirement is that it would cause the business to no longer exist creating a void in the market. Letting the market decide creates a timeline for the market to transition. Tesla has been at it since the early 2000s and in 2022, it still doesn't have market dominance. Granted the governments, EU, is forcing car companies to switch. But the community is still pushing back. Because they are not as good as gas. So the EU is violating the rule, “you can't enforce it if the community pushes back”
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