
Existing infrastructure

  • - corporate website (people come here to view our services, media kit, sign up for services, existing customers submit tickets for web updates or various request. people can also access our three main websites from this corporate site.
  • This website displays our tv services
  • - This website displays our radio services


  1. consolidate all of the corporate info into one website.
  2. Currently offered products:
    • Listeners/Viewers
      1. an inviting website
      2. interactive features with login
        • request songs
        • view giveaways
        • view other features to only those who have partnered with WGON (a members area)
      3. The ability to (possibly) upload messages/videos they want to share with WGON viewers
      4. blog
    • Customers purchasing airtime or web design services
      1. virtual tour (Some type of demo of all services)
      2. live chat
      3. ability to fill out a form and forward to our office
      4. a built in ticket center
      5. ability to be added to our newsletter list
      6. radio/TV:
        • a control panel to view stats
        • ability to upload MP3 for airing (a quicker way to encode videos to WMV )
        • A way for customers to upload there own Video files for airing in the order they desire
        • ability to update their (OWN) broadcast schedule
        • ability to have listeners/viewers to contact their ministry
        • the ability to time the television for 30 minute programs
        • some type of built in database that allows for newsletters to be sent to listeners/viewers for the broadcast they are interested in.
      7. web design
      8. submit tickets (maybe the ability to make updates to your website)
      9. a calendar they can setup and own

Market Analysis

wiki/projects/wgor/concept_doc.txt · Last modified: 2020/11/19 14:21 by
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