Zero B.S. News


To inform Honestly, Truthfully, and Accurately.

Cross link


  • possibly an alternative approach.
  • call it “The Right Politics”
  • focus on republican wins and republican solutions that will actually solve problems


  • quillbot text summerizer
  • categorize news topics across multiple news outlets
    • for example a specific issue, a legislative bill
    • identify all news articles, across different outlets on that subject
    • and label them as this topic
  • for a given topic, identify similar statements across all news articles
  • summarize that topic using the news articles
  • publish the summarization as a news article
  • Use writing styles to create multiple blogs
    • 2 blogs per zone
    • each platfrom, microsoft, amazon, google
    • link back to each other to increase SEO
  • each blog has social media
  • if updates happen, update the summary and publish the update
    • have a history tab


  • using NLP
  • based on adjective usage, score the author's credibility
  • compiling all facts rate each news source on how many facts they state
  • based on adjectives give them a political bias rating
  • can we determine false facts? contradictory facts
  • summarize all articles into one new article
    • emphasize authors with a high credibility
    • deemphasize authors with low credibility
wiki/projects/websites/zerobsnews.txt · Last modified: 2022/09/22 13:07 by jeff
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