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Customer Contract

  • On deposit, you are purchasing a percentage of the pot
    • for example: the pot is $40k and you put in $40k
    • that brings the pot to $80k
    • you own 50% of the pot
    • which translates into 50% of the profits
  • But cost of doing business is 20%
    • for things like:
    • electricity
    • computers
    • and managing the system
    • 20% of the example above would be $8k
    • But this 20% will only be taken on profits. Not loss
  • Withdrawal and deposit:
    • There are fees associated with deposit
    • There are fees associated with withdrawal
    • Customer pays those fees
    • also, it takes time to move money. days or weeks.
  • Taxes
    • These taxes apply to the hedge fund, you have to pay taxes on any money you take out
    • The hedge fund has to pay taxes and they are taken from the pot of money
    • taxes apply equally so they apply to the pot
  • Please understand that there is always risks with investments
wiki/projects/apps/stockmarket/contract.1593180647.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/11/19 14:21 (external edit)
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