Media Portal Proposal Document

This document will be the closing capture statement of the Concept Development Phase. Requires customer approval.


This is to consolidate the various media projects I have. They are :wiki:projects:apps:btv4ppc|Beyond TV for PPC, Beyond TV Show Description, New TV Playback, Media Downloader, MP3 Editor, and Music Sync. Most of this stuff is background processing and should be made as such. Also, I only need one or two GUI apps that will allow me access to the functionality of the background apps. The Distributed Proecessing application could be used as a vehicle for most of the processing that needs to be done.

High Concept

One system to rule them all.

Target Market Segment Strategy

This is to identify what the underlying message will be and how it will be conveyed to the target market.


  • single point of management.
  • They work together instead of being isolated.

Target Market

Anybody that wants a cool media management system.

Target Hardware Platform

The ideal system would be distributed. These computers could be as slow as a Pentium III. The apps should be OS independant.

Estimated Schedule and Budget

It's a lot of work but most of the work should be able to be ported to the unified infrastructure. I would esitmate 2-3 months to get all the functionality I want to create. This is at 1 FTE.

Competitive Analysis

There isn't one application out there that does all of these functions.

The Team

Someone that knows the existing systems and can migrate them to the unified architecture.

Risk Analysis

It's a lot of work and I'll be preforming the work on my free time.


A unified architecture for the media applications. This architecture will make it easier for one to manager the system.

wiki/projects/apps/mediaportal/conept_doc.txt · Last modified: 2020/11/19 14:21 by
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