Design Document

Core Engine

Describe each of the characteristics about the engine:

  • Easy of Use
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility
  • Look-and-Feel
  • Support
  • Extensibility


What data needs to be transmitted between the client and server. Try to keep this as small as possible.


How one would create threads within the Core Engine.


The configuration data used to initialize the Core Engine.


Describe what the server will store and process.


Describe what the client will store and process.

User Interface

Describe what the interface will look like. Possibly, provide a mock up.

Core Status

What kind of information are we monitoring. How will we display it to the user.

Module Management

How will a user manage the modules.

C++ Dlls


A list of modules to be created with a description on how they work. Each module will need to describe a management side and a client side.

System Status

System Command Line

Remote Desktop


External Elements

Most of these elements will have their own design documents.

  • Web Sites
  • Forums
  • Updates
  • Tech Support
  • Distribution
wiki/projects/apps/distrib_proc/design_doc.txt · Last modified: 2020/11/19 14:21 by
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