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Game Proposal Document

This document is the closing capture statement of the Concept Development Phase. Requires customer approval.


To create a 3d game engine that is capable of creating 3d games. The functionality of this engine will be defered rendering, shadows, lighting, texture mapping, bump mapping, displacement mapping, and others that may prove useful. Another aspect of this engine will be to have all of the key components to be modular. For example, the graphics engine can easily be changed between an OpenGL implementation and a Direct3d one. The final feature will be the ease in which the engine is configured. The configuration of the engine will be handled through the use of xml files. These files will be used to define states the engine can be in along with the objects that are contained within each state. The xml will also define the settings for each object along with the actions the object can preform.

High Concept

A 3d game engine to showcase my programming prowes.

Target Market Segment Strategy

3d game developers that might be interested in hiring me.

Game play

This game engine departs from the norm from the stand point of how it handles functionality. Most game engines are monolithic in design and cannot handle the change of underlying systems. This game engine will be able to change it's core functionality with ease.


  • Modular design of all the core functionality.
  • Support of most of the major graphics techniques of today.
  • Easy to create a different type of game through the manipulation of xml files.

Target Market

The target audience for the game. Who will want to buy it. Also include some historical references of the genre selling to said audience. Benefits of this game from the customers perspective (I'm not sure on vagaries with this one).

Target Hardware Platform

Identify the target hardware. If it is to be the PC identify hardware requirements to play the game.

Estimated Schedule and Budget

These are rough estimates based on the technical and art lead's opinions.

Competitive Analysis

Try to give a brief analysis on other games in this genre and how they compare to the one being proposed.

The Team

If it is to be marketed internally then state the skill set needed to complete this project(no names).

If it is to be marketed commercially (which it wont) then state the team with resume like information.

Risk Analysis

Identify any potential risks in developing the game and describe ways of mitigating them. These are software development risks.


Reiterate why this is a great game and why this team of people are the ones to create it. Also state something about how the game will potentially be a great hit through market stats.

Concept Art

Add concept art as an attachment. If it has a place within the document. put it there.

Professional's Opinion

Another's Opinion

wiki/projects/3dengine/conept_doc.1257188667.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/11/19 14:21 (external edit)
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