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Tetris Proposal Document

This document will be the closing capture statement of the Concept Development Phase. Requires customer approval.


This is a remake of the classic game Tetris. The only changes are it will be made in flash and support some of the newer rules. The goal of this game is to show case proper game development practices. Also, it will highlight some of the more esoteric steps.

High Concept

Tetris is awesome.

Target Market Segment Strategy

The goal is to convey how to properly work through the process of creating a video game.

Game play

This is a casual game that most people already know about. It is a game that will not be revolutionizing the industry but using a familiar platform to show case how to build a game.


This game is constructed on the original concept and will help allow the software developers that look at this project to better relate with the project. Instead of worrying about how the game plays, choosing the tetris game will allow the developer focus on the process of creating this project.

Target Market

The software developers out there that are looking to understand a good game development process.

Target Hardware Platform

The machine should be capable of browsing the web and running flash apps.

Estimated Schedule and Budget

There is no budget for this game. The timeline is expected to be within one week.

Competitive Analysis

The games in this market are most likely better than this one. The goal is not to create a game better than the others. The goal is to dive deep into the game development process and show all the steps in the process. I have not been able to find such a detailed description on building games.

The Team

Only two skills are needed for this project:

A flash developer with the knowledge of game development.

A vector artist that knows flash.

Risk Analysis

The biggest risk is that this project will be created on my own time which is subject to my desire to work on this project. The only way to mitigate this issue is to get funding to push the development.


The goal is to make tetris to show case the entire game development process.

Concept Art