Table of Contents

Game Proposal Document

This document will be the closing capture statement of the Concept Development Phase. Requires customer approval.


Allow actors to put on plays in virtual reality. Plays have tickets and there's cost for hosting the play, the tickets and also have a market place for sets, props, and costumes.

High Concept

Project your soul to the world

Target Market Segment Strategy

Steam store, website, social media

Game play

The genre the game falls in and how it departs from the norm.

There are three types of games. There is the story based, skill based, and the time waster type of game.

For the story based game. The story is the motivation to play the game. The story is engaging and continues to drive the gamer to continue to play the game. The gameplay in this type of game needs to be solid but not ground breaking. it also has to be enjoyable but not overly challenging.

For the skill based game. This game type focuses solely on the challenge of playing the game. The gameplay mechanic is paramount and has to continually push the gamer to get better at the core gameplay mechanic. The story for this game is not as important. But it should create some kind of continuity as to why we are playing/advancing through the game.

Finally, there is the casual play type of game. This game is easy on the mind. The skill to play is not difficult and the story is enough to carry the gamer forward through the game. The most important aspect of this game is to avoid boredom. This type of game is probably the most difficult to create. Because, the motivation behind such a game is to relax and take the gamers mind off the troubles in their lives. This game has to relax them without making them board.

On top of that, there is the genre itself. RTS, RPG, FPS, and Sim etc, as mentioned above.


Target Market

Actors, artists, and theatre goers.

Target Hardware Platform

low end pc, cloud servers

Estimated Schedule and Budget

1 month, zero budget

Competitive Analysis

There is one product I've see that is taking the approach of recreating plays in VR, not letting people put on plays

The Team

If it is to be marketed internally then state the skill set needed to complete this project(no names).

If it is to be marketed commercially then state the team with resume like information.

Risk Analysis

Pricing isn't completely understood at this time. Marketing and getting traction is the hurdle.


Reiterate why this is a great game and why this team of people are the ones to create it. Also state something about how the game will potentially be a great hit through market stats.

Concept Art

Add concept art as an attachment. If it has a place within the document. put it there.

Professional's Opinion

Another's Opinion