====== Project Management Tools ====== A list of project management tools: * [[http://www.iwolm.com/en/the-best-project-management-software/|Comparison]] ===== Best two ===== * [[http://clarizen.com]] * [[http://epmlive.com]] ===== Others ===== * [[http://www.taskfreak.com]] * [[http://www.esko.com/en/Products/Overview/webcenter/overview|WebCenter Image Collaboration]] * [[http://www.wrike.com/]] * [[http://www.celoxis.com/]] - best one * [[http://www.easyprojects.net/]] ===== Interviewing ===== * What is the goal of a software developer? * Given a deck of cards, shuffle them and output all the cards, in the shuffled order * console application * Build the game [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battleship_(game)|Battleship]] * console application * cpu vs cpu * output each turn: who's turn, the move, hit or miss * output when one player wins and how many turns it took, along with the time it took to play the game. ===== Managing ===== * May I request - * May I make a suggestion - * process - break down your understanding * get back - take time to think through it * unpack - break down their understanding * choose - present choices * partnership - no one night stands, look to commit to a long term partnership * discover - bring up secondary topics that may not come up during the normal conversation * explore - hypothetical projections