====== Code Walkthrough: RestSQL ====== * Talk about what you've learned * Enterprise level software development tutorial (DevOps) * RestSQL is designed to simplify the transformation layer between code and a database * nHibernate may be a similar competitor but I believe mine is more simplified * what about complex joins and filters? we'll get to the towards the end. * create gitlab project * git backup * create gitlab branches - dev, test, prod * create gitlab issues * talk to jenkins * create daily dev builds, run test cases * Visual studio, puma, ESlint, ? * create a simple asp.net page * create the user access tables * setup mysql * database backup * create a form * create the controller - ensure security token * create the database interface * create a table to save form * create a page to display table data * create the controller * create test cases * git commit - track hours * jenkins - deploy to test * jenkins - deploy to prod * Complex joins and filters?