===== Questions ===== * how do you like to work? Collaborative or solitary? * do you like to work in a group where you get to ask a lot of questions and questions are asked of you * or do you like to work alone and research your solutions * 010101 How do I identify if someone is a "flesh out an idea" or a "knee jerk reaction" type of person. * 010101 How do you deal with someone telling you how you should be doing your job. * What is your take on someone suggesting different approaches to how things are done. * How do you handle a computer virus. * Would you rather be a person working on a project or leading a project. * What are your values? What is important to you? [[http://research.microsoft.com/apps/video/default.aspx?id=138611|Ref]] ===== TEST THREE - PSYCHE SHAPES ===== [[http://www.ysrnry.co.uk/cgi-bin/personality2.pl|Reference]] Take a very quick look at the shapes below. Decide which one is 'you'. If you really can't decide, then it might be worth taking a look at the notepad next to the computer, or telephone, or meeting room - there are sure to be doodles on it somewhere. Find one of your doodles and look for the predominant shape. That's the one to pick! {{:wiki:ideas:res_layout:square.gif|SQUARE}} {{:wiki:ideas:res_layout:triangle.gif|TRIANGLE}} {{:wiki:ideas:res_layout:star.gif|STAR}} {{:wiki:ideas:res_layout:squiggle.gif|SQUIGGLE}} {{:wiki:ideas:res_layout:circle.gif|CIRCLE}} {{:wiki:ideas:res_layout:tessarect.gif|TESSERACT}} ===== What You Picked ===== If you chose the **triangle** then you're in luck! This is the choice of most successful people (mind you, Gloria Hunniford's quite 'successful', so maybe it's not that brilliant). You know where it's at, where you've been and where you want to go. With your precision, perfectionism, quick mind and communicating skills you should go far. You're probably a tad on the boring side though. (Can't have everything, can we?) If you chose the **circle** then you're a bit wet. All a bit emotional and wibbly round the edges. It's the shape the bloke from Little House On The Prairie and Highway To Heaven would probably have chosen. Basically you're a little bit of a sap. Quite 'nice' though. If you chose the **square** then you're one of the most yawnsome people on the entire planet. You analyse a problem and break it down into miniscule particles, examine them, and then break each of the miniscule particles down into even smaller sub-particles and examine them as well before making a decision - even for a problem as mundane as 'Shall I have another bowl of Sugar Puffs or not?' You're reliable though - dull and reliable! If you chose the **squiggly** line then you're always in a hurry. You get bored every eight pico-seconds and have to constantly find new challenges. You may be incredibly enthusiastic, but your 'ants in your pants' chopping and changing attitude to life means you'll probably turn out to be a jack of all trades, master of none. You're quite good fun at parties and you can put up quite a steady(ish) shelf (if called on to do so). Basically, you're one of life's 'slightly useful' people. If you chose the **star** then, boy, are you annoying. All sort of loud and excitable. A bit like a cross between Sue Pollard and Barry, the 'barrer boy' from EastEnders. Why don't you shut up for a few hours and give the rest of us a break, eh? If you chose the **tesseract** then you're really, really, really, (really) weird. Weird to the spookth degree, in fact. For those who don't know, a tesseract is a fourth dimensional 'hypercube'. Not the kind of shape us 'normal' folk dwell upon at all!