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wiki:projects:vehicles:water_hybrid [2024/07/16 13:06] – created jeffwiki:projects:vehicles:water_hybrid [2024/07/16 13:07] (current) jeff
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 ====== Water/hydrogen Electric Hybrid ====== ====== Water/hydrogen Electric Hybrid ======
-  * the basic idea is, instead of filling up on gas.  You fill up on water.  The hydrogen is pulled from the water using electrolosis and the battery used to power the +  * the basic idea is, instead of filling up on gas.  You fill up on water.  The hydrogen is pulled from the water using electrolysis and the battery used to power the electrolysis is recharged by the primary battery, or when the primary battery is wall charged.
   * [[https://youtu.be/FN61LrKMLmE?si=U16QjDCWZf1IoYR1]]   * [[https://youtu.be/FN61LrKMLmE?si=U16QjDCWZf1IoYR1]]
wiki/projects/vehicles/water_hybrid.1721135196.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/07/16 13:06 by jeff
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