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wiki:projects:games:ai_society:conept_doc [2013/06/30 17:17] jeffwiki:projects:games:ai_society:conept_doc [2020/11/19 14:21] (current) – external edit
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 The idea: I keep trying to come up with game ideas.  Most of them are good but they are just improving upon existing games.  Such as a better battlefield game, or a better racing sim/open world.  So, instead of wasting time trying to recreate something, which I could just get a studio to build it (if I had the money), I've decided/realized that I could build something new and powerful.  The idea is to create an AI society.  A world of AI beings that run around and do stuff.  So, this is not truly a game in the sense that someone will sit down and play the game but more of an environment for AI algorithms to live.  What this game will consist of, is a High level Sim city type game where the actual gamer will create the city, streets, building, whatever.  As the city grows, AI people will populate the city.  So, if there is a house, an AI person will move in.  If there is a place to have a job, AI person will go to work there.  The second aspect of this game is that an AI person has some basic needs.  Food/Water/Shelter/Entertainment.  So the gamer will be alerted as to the satisfaction of these needs and the gamer will need to provide buildings to accommodate those needs. The idea: I keep trying to come up with game ideas.  Most of them are good but they are just improving upon existing games.  Such as a better battlefield game, or a better racing sim/open world.  So, instead of wasting time trying to recreate something, which I could just get a studio to build it (if I had the money), I've decided/realized that I could build something new and powerful.  The idea is to create an AI society.  A world of AI beings that run around and do stuff.  So, this is not truly a game in the sense that someone will sit down and play the game but more of an environment for AI algorithms to live.  What this game will consist of, is a High level Sim city type game where the actual gamer will create the city, streets, building, whatever.  As the city grows, AI people will populate the city.  So, if there is a house, an AI person will move in.  If there is a place to have a job, AI person will go to work there.  The second aspect of this game is that an AI person has some basic needs.  Food/Water/Shelter/Entertainment.  So the gamer will be alerted as to the satisfaction of these needs and the gamer will need to provide buildings to accommodate those needs.
 +Basically, it's The Sims but for me to experiment with AI algorithms.
 ===== High Concept ===== ===== High Concept =====
wiki/projects/games/ai_society/conept_doc.1372612669.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/11/19 14:21 (external edit)
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