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wiki:projects:apps:mediaportal:devblog [2010/05/18 16:05] jeffwiki:projects:apps:mediaportal:devblog [2020/11/19 14:21] (current) – external edit
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 ====== Media Portal Dev Blog ====== ====== Media Portal Dev Blog ======
 +===== March 18, 2011 =====
 +Join videos:
 +mencoder -oac copy -ovc copy -idx -o output.avi video1.avi video2.avi video3.avi
 +subtitles: [[http://www.mplayerhq.hu/DOCS/HTML/en/menc-feat-extractsub.html]]
 +rm subtitles.idx subtitles.sub
 +mencoder dvd://1 -oac copy -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vpass=1 \
 +    -vobsubout subtitles -vobsuboutindex 0 -sid 2
 +mencoder dvd://1 -oac copy -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:mbd=2:trell:vpass=2 \
 +    -vobsubout subtitles -vobsuboutindex 1 -sid 5
 +===== December 4, 2010 =====
 +Redesign.  I got the idea to convert the system over to a web based service.  The idea is, instead of everyone having their own copy of all the media they would want, the cloud would have it.  Media being, music, movies, tv (dvr and llve), rss video, trailers, etc.  This service would have a user interface similar to Windows Media Center.  The user would create an account and start creating a personal library of media they like.  This media would be accessible through the web service, which could be accessible through a mobile product.  The user could rate content and this rated content would generate suggestions as to other content the user may like.  Also, this product will track content they are interested in and show new content verses watched content.
 +As for the implementation the site would embed other sites and use "bookmarklets" to control the sites content, viewing, etc.  Eventually as it becomes more legit, we can create partnerships with other companies and have more direct access to their content.
 +===== May 10, 2010 =====
 +==== Web Crawlers ====
 +They are in java but they might prove to be useful.
 ===== May 10, 2010 ===== ===== May 10, 2010 =====
wiki/projects/apps/mediaportal/devblog.1274198712.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/11/19 14:21 (external edit)
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