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wiki:projects:3dengine:devblog [2010/06/25 14:52] jeffwiki:projects:3dengine:devblog [2020/11/19 14:21] (current) – external edit
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 ====== 3d Game Engine Dev Blog ====== ====== 3d Game Engine Dev Blog ======
 +===== November 2, 2010 =====
 +There is an issue with running the engine separate from the debugger.  I've only been able to run the engine on WinXP with having it cause an error when loading the model data.  The error occurs around adding the vertex to an STL list/vector.  It seems to be running out of memory.  My assumption at this point is that the issue occurs because this stl container is nested in a class and that class is added to an STL container.  This is an assumption.  Also, I think it can be solved by using pointers, the only problem with that is I would have to manage the deletion of the pointers external to the normal processing.
 +===== September 9, 2010 =====
 +Been looking for height map data to be able to test with.  Here is a good search term: [[http://www.google.com/search?q=srtm+data&rls=com.microsoft:en-us&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&startIndex=&startPage=1|srtm data]]
 +===== August 20, 2010 =====
 +Add [[http://glutes.sourceforge.net/|OpenGL ES]] to the renderer class library and add the touch screen interface to the user input.
 +===== July 17, 2010 =====
 +Have been working on trying to get the engine to load a texture properly.  In working through this issue I ran across another problem, apparently one cannot compare an iterator against NULL.  This throws a debug assertion.
 +===== July 9, 2010 =====
 +May want to use this for my font rendering [[http://www.angelcode.com/products/bmfont/|BMfont]].
 +===== July 5, 2010 =====
 +Implemented the Java Game Engine framework into the fbxImporter and now it works.  There are some design issues with the engine, such as, The Engine class needs to be global, the DisplayList class needs to be global, and the UserInput class(which doesn't exist) needs to be global.  Also, I've realized that the Model class needs to be handled differently, in the sense that I only want to load the Model once and duplicate it throughout the world.  Also, somehow the Engine needs to be seperated from the Assets.  Either by creating a seperate loading class or some other means.
 ===== June 24, 2010 ===== ===== June 24, 2010 =====
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 Another thought is to have each model in a game exist on it's own server, so that the server can preform all the computations needed for that model.  This will allow for a more complex physics model.  (Use the [[:wiki:projects:apps:distrib_proc|Distrib Proc]]) Another thought is to have each model in a game exist on it's own server, so that the server can preform all the computations needed for that model.  This will allow for a more complex physics model.  (Use the [[:wiki:projects:apps:distrib_proc|Distrib Proc]])
 +===== June 7, 2010 =====
 +Started the build by taking the [[:wiki:projects:fbx_importer|FBX Importer]] code and integrating the [[Java Game Engine]] code into it.  This didn't take that long(about a day) and it was pretty easy.  So, now I have the c++ engine with the Game Engine design loading xml assests into the engine.
 ===== January 22, 2010 ===== ===== January 22, 2010 =====
 First entry in Captain's blog.  LOL.  Anyway, This project is currently waiting on the [[:wiki:projects:fbx_importer|FBX Importer]] project to be completed.  Until then, this project will not start. First entry in Captain's blog.  LOL.  Anyway, This project is currently waiting on the [[:wiki:projects:fbx_importer|FBX Importer]] project to be completed.  Until then, this project will not start.
wiki/projects/3dengine/devblog.1277477539.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/11/19 14:21 (external edit)
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